... create a 'learning commons'.
Below is some background information about the book to put you in the picture.
Through my online Twitter learning community, I came across a review of a recently published book called Open by David Price OBE. This morning I bought the kindle version and I can't put it down!! It links in so well with the focus of my sabbatical essay on engagement and learning and I'm keen to read more. I highly recommend this book to our whole community. Click on the book image below to link to a review of the book .
David Price regularly shares his views and links to his posts on Engaged Learning via Twitter tweets. He recently wrote about the excellent student engagement in learning that is happening at Matthew Moss High School in the UK. I visited the school and met with the inspirational principal Mark Moorhouse in March during my sabbatical travels and I plan to adapt some of the learning ideas from my visit to our school here.
From reading the Introduction of OPEN I aim to create a 'learning commons'.
From reading the Introduction of OPEN I aim to create a 'learning commons'.
More about this in my next post.